Rugby Australia slams Olympic team over flight

2 years ago 327

Rugby Australia person reprimanded the Olympic men's sevens squad for their "unacceptable behaviour" connected their formation location from Tokyo.

RA said successful a connection contiguous that an probe had discovered that "excessive amounts of alcohol" had been drunk by immoderate squad members, and they besides revealed immoderate harm to their accommodation successful the Olympic Village.

Australia's men's sevens squad aft losing their quarter-final against Fiji. (Getty)

The quality travel a time aft 3 Wallabies players - Marika Koroibete, Isi Naisarani and Pone Fa'amausili - were ruled ineligible for enactment for Saturday's Bledisloe Cup lucifer against New Zealand aft a late-night drinking session.

The Aussie sevens squad finished a disappointing seventh successful Tokyo aft winning conscionable 1 radical crippled and being unopen retired 19-0 by golden medallists Fiji successful the quarter-finals.

RA launched the investigation aft the Australian Olympic Committee informed them of "incidents involving the Australian men's sevens program."

Japan Airlines reportedly wrote to the AOC to kick astir alcohol-fuelled atrocious behaviour connected the formation home.

"The probe recovered that a fig of members of the squad were drinking excessive amounts of intoxicant connected JAL 51, portion besides being disruptive to compartment unit and different passengers onboard the flight," the connection read.

Australia's men's sevens squad aft losing their quarter-final against Fiji. (Getty)

"There is nary grounds that immoderate JAL spot was damaged oregon messiness successful seats, aisles oregon bathrooms was made by the men's rugby sevens team."

The full squad had been "reprimanded for this behaviour" and "formally warned astir their aboriginal conduct" portion "certain squad members" volition acquisition acquisition and counselling sessions regarding behaviour and intoxicant consumption.

Rugby Australia CEO Andy Marinos. (Getty)

Crucially, RA main enforcement Andy Marinos said the contention would person an interaction erstwhile the governing assemblage deliberates implicit the aboriginal of the sevens program.

"It is without uncertainty that this volition person a bearing connected however we look astatine the Sevens situation going forward," helium said.

RA besides noted determination had been immoderate harm and messiness successful the apartments the sevens squad utilized successful Tokyo and the AOC volition beryllium afloat reimbursed for immoderate repair and cleaning costs.

"Rugby Australia has a zero-tolerance attack towards mediocre behaviour and expects the highest standards of behaviour astatine each times," Marinos said.

"The players person been reminded of what it means to correspond your state and the behaviour expected astatine each times."

It's a connection expressed by Wallabies manager Dave Rennie lone 24 hours earlier.

Wallabies manager Dave Rennie. (Getty)

A connection from RA yesterday confirmed the trio continued to portion "well beyond an agreed time" pursuing a radical meal past Saturday.

"We are gathering a civilization of moving hard for each different and being accountable for our actions," said Rennie.

"On this occasion, these 3 players haven't lived up to that and we've taken a precise wide stance.

"Ultimately these 3 men person paid a large terms for their decisions but that's the modular we expect of each other."

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