Category: Science

Your unique pattern of brain activity can be spotted in...

Everyone has a unique pattern of brain activity and it can be spotted after just 100 seconds inside a brain scanner

Climate change could slow recovery of southern right wh...

Extreme El Niño weather events caused by climate change could slow the recovery of southern right whale populations

Weird shape-shifting clouds of dust seem to be orbiting...

The light from a distant star appears to be orbited by something that is continually changing shape and size, possibly clouds of d...

Snakes started eating birds and mammals after dinosaurs...

Snakes typically ate insects before the mass extinction event that wiped out the non-bird dinosaurs, but then they broadened diets...

US military may get a dog-like robot armed with a snipe...

A four-legged robot made by Ghost Robotics and outfitted with a sniper rifle and night-vision cameras was displayed at a meeting o...

Pill may reduce diabetes risk for those with polycystic...

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who take the contraceptive pill have three-quarters of the diabetes risk as those with...

Contraceptive pill may reduce polycystic ovary syndrome...

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) who take the contraceptive pill have three-quarters of the diabetes risk as those with...

Covid-19 news: UK lab may have given 43,000 false PCR t...

The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scien...

Arid meteor shower makes new appearance in southern hem...

A meteor shower called the Arids has appeared in southern hemisphere skies, as predicted by astronomers

Artificial insect-inspired ‘brain’ can guide robotic do...

UK start-up Opteran Technologies has demonstrated a system that can guide a robot through a maze using far less energy and weight ...

Venus’s surface may have never been cool enough for oce...

The surface of Venus may have remained extremely hot since its formation, meaning that water in the atmosphere never had a chance ...

Australia's unusual western swamp turtle is an oddity u...

The first analysis of species that have evolved in isolation for millions of years has found that many – including Australia’s wes...

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