How to Distribute Press Release in 7 Easy Steps

1 year ago 239

How to Distribute Press Release in 7 Easy Steps


Press releases are a great way to get relevant media attention for your company or product. They can be used by startups and small businesses, as well as large corporations, to announce new products, promotions, or changes in leadership. However, it's not enough just to write and publish a press release distribution—you also need to figure out how and where you're going to distribute your content so that it reaches the eyes of journalists who may be interested in covering it. Here are seven steps for doing just that:

Set up a press release distribution service account

To get started, you must sign up for a free press release distribution service account. In this step, you’re going to need:

  • A good email address that is easily recognizable by professionals and journalists. If you don't have one already, it's best if you create a new email address specifically for your PR campaign. Make sure it's professional and easy to remember so that people can contact you directly without having any trouble finding information about who they're talking with in their inboxes.

  • Your name, phone number and other contact details (including address). It's also important to add the names of anyone else who will be working on this project with you such as editors or assistants at different publications or media outlets where your press release distribution services might be published later on down the road when it gets picked up by other large news companies like CNN or The New York Times etcetera...

Compose your press release

  • Compose your press release

  • Ensure that it has the correct format

  • Make sure it’s up to date and contains all of the relevant information about the topic, including a quote from a spokesperson, facts or statistics that are relevant to the topic, quotes from experts (if applicable), and quotes from people who have been affected by the news story (again if applicable).

Find a newsworthy angle in your press release

If you want to get media coverage, your best press release distribution services needs to be newsworthy. The first step in this process is identifying the angle of your story. This means finding something unique about it that will make it stand out among other stories on similar topics. If you can’t think of anything that makes your story special, ask yourself why you are writing a press release and how you hope journalists will respond.

When drafting a PR piece, my first question is always “what’s new here?” Without an interesting or relevant angle, there’s no reason for anyone to pick up the phone or open their email inbox—unless they already know who I am! That said...

Use proper formatting in your press release

Press releases should be formatted in the same way as all other types of writing, whether it's a blog post, an ad or a book chapter. You'll want to use common formatting practices so that people can easily read and understand your best press release distribution services 2023. This means using standard fonts, sizes and layouts throughout.

Here are some tips for proper formatting:

  • Use Times New Roman (or another serif font) for headlines and subheads.

  • Use Arial (or another sans serif font) for body copy.

  • Make sure everything is double spaced, so there's plenty of room between sentences and paragraphs for easy reading by eyes gliding across the page quickly without slowing down on anything too much—and with headings separated from body copy by more space than usual as well as bolding or italicizing them if desired! That way people who skim over things quickly won't miss any important details while also making sure they aren't distracted too much by busy visuals like big blocks of text next to each other."

Use social media when distributing your press release

When it comes to distributing your press release, social media is a great way to get the word out. When you have a piece of content that many people will be interested in (and might not have seen), using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest can help you reach more people than ever before.

To ensure that your post gets maximum exposure:

  • Use a good headline and compelling image for each post so that people are drawn in right away; This is especially important if you plan on sharing these posts across multiple platforms since each platform has its own audience and demographic, this will help ensure they see the same thing regardless of where they see it first.

  • Be sure to use hashtags relevant to your industry/niche which will increase visibility among other bloggers or influencers who work within those hashtags (e.g., #socialmedia). In addition don’t forget about “topical keywords” - keywords related specifically to what was announced in order for news consumers looking specifically for information about this topic find us without having too much difficulty finding us online."

Make calls to journalists after the release has been published

Now that you've written and published your online press release distribution, it's time to call journalists. This is when the hard work begins!

When you're making these calls, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be confident! This is not an easy task, but knowing what you want and asking for it can help make things easier on both ends of the phone line. If someone says no or seems reluctant, try negotiating with them by offering more information or another interview opportunity down the road.

  • Stay persistent! If someone doesn't respond right away or doesn't have time to talk on the phone today, ask if they would be willing to email back their response tomorrow (or whatever day works best). You never know what might happen between now and then; people's schedules change all the time so don't hesitate about following up later down the road if needed!

Keep these steps in mind when you're writing your next press release.

  • When writing your next press release, keep these steps in mind:

  • Ensure that the formatting is correct. A press release can be formatted according to AP Style or another style guide. It’s important to ensure that all content is consistent, so check out our article on how to write a press release for more information about creating a proper format.

  • Make sure that you have a newsworthy angle for your story and do not try to use flowery language to mask the fact that there isn’t anything interesting about what you are saying. Journalists are busy people and they don't have time for fluff! Be sure to use facts and statistics where possible when talking about your product or company; this will help journalists quickly understand why they should care about what's going on with your business/product/service.

  • Once the release has been published online and shared through social media channels (Twitter, Facebook), it's important not only after but prior too! You want journalists who receive their information via email alerts (and other platforms) know how excited they should be about reading these stories."


The top press release distribution services are easy to use and can be a great way to get your content in front of more people. You'll need to make sure that it's well written, but other than that it should only take a few minutes before your press release is up on their site ready for journalists or other readers alike!

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