Denver weather: Snow, freezing temperatures make way for warmer conditions

2 years ago 287

Former Broncos manager Dan Reeves passes distant astatine property 77

Snow and single-digit temperatures volition marque their last appearances this week earlier highs spell up again Sunday, according to the National Weather Service successful Boulder.

Any much snowfall for Saturday volition extremity by noon with unreality cover. Otherwise, it volition beryllium mostly sunny successful the day with a precocious of 11 degrees. Wind chill volition marque it consciousness similar minus-7 degrees.

Saturday night, the somesthesia volition driblet to 3 degrees by 8 p.m. earlier climbing backmost to 10 degree. Expect mostly wide skies.

By Sunday, sunshine continues with a precocious of 43 degrees. Wind chill volition proceed to beryllium beneath zero degrees astatine minus-3 degrees. Sunday night’s temperatures volition driblet into the teens with a debased of 16 degrees.

Monday volition repeats those conditions with mostly sunny skies and a precocious of 48 degrees.

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