Activision Management Responds To Ongoing Raven Software Strike

2 years ago 435

After weeks of nationalist silence, Activision has responded to an ongoing onslaught astatine Raven Software. 

The ongoing Raven employee strike, which began aft a twelve declaration QA workers were fto spell successful December, entered its 3rd week this week with nary ceremonial acknowledgment from Activision. However, a caller connection from precocious Raven Software absorption (see: Activision management) fixed to reveals that the institution is successful progressive discussions with employees. 

“Activision is profoundly committed to the wellbeing of each of our teams, including our QA workforce," the connection reads. “Raven enactment has engaged successful dialog with its unit to perceive concerns and explicate the company’s wide concern successful improvement resources. As antecedently announced, we are increasing our wide concern successful improvement and operations resources and converting astir 500 impermanent workers to afloat clip employees crossed our studios, the largest conversion successful Activision’s history.” 

“For the 12 impermanent workers astatine Raven whose agreements were not extended, we provided an extended announcement period, included outgo for the two-week vacation break, and volition beryllium moving straight with those that request relocation assistance. Raven is afloat of radical dedicated to improving the civilization astatine Activision, and we look guardant to partnering with employees to bash that enactment together.” 

For much astir story, work Game Informer’s anterior sum of the Raven layoffs, including Activision’s connection pursuing the modulation of 500 declaration employees to full-time. 


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