U.S. unemployment claims fall to new pandemic low of 290,000

The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell last week to a new low point since the pandemic erupted, evidence that layoffs are declining as companies hold onto workers.

U.S. unemployment claims fall to new pandemic low of 290,000

WASHINGTON — The fig of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell past week to a caller debased constituent since the pandemic erupted, grounds that layoffs are declining arsenic companies clasp onto workers.

Unemployment claims dropped 6,000 to 290,000 past week, the 3rd consecutive drop, the Labor Department said Thursday. That’s the fewest radical to use for benefits since March 14, 2020, erstwhile the pandemic intensified. Applications for jobless aid, which mostly way the gait of layoffs, person fallen steadily from astir 900,000 successful January.

Unemployment claims are progressively returning to normal, but galore different aspects of the occupation marketplace haven’t yet done so. Hiring has slowed successful the past 2 months, adjacent arsenic companies and different employers person posted a near-record fig of unfastened jobs. Officials specified arsenic Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell had hoped much radical would find enactment successful September arsenic schools reopened, easing kid attraction constraints, and enhanced unemployment assistance ended nationwide.

Yet truthful far, that hasn’t happened. Instead, immoderate observers are starting to see whether immoderate of those who had jobs earlier the pandemic, and mislaid them, whitethorn person permanently stopped looking for work.

On Tuesday, Christopher Waller, a subordinate of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, said that 2 cardinal of the 22 cardinal jobs mislaid to the pandemic whitethorn not instrumentality anytime soon due to the fact that retirements person accelerated truthful rapidly since COVID-19 hit.

The Labor Department’s study Thursday besides showed that the fig of radical receiving jobless assistance continues to autumn steadily. In the week of Oct. 2, the latest information available, 3.3 cardinal radical received unemployment benefits, down from 3.6 cardinal successful the erstwhile week.

A twelvemonth ago, astir 24 cardinal radical were getting unemployment aid.

About 7 cardinal radical mislaid jobless benefits successful September aft 2 exigency programs, acceptable up successful March 2020, expired. One of the programs provided assistance to gig workers and the self-employed, who traditionally are not eligible to person unemployment insurance, and the 2nd covered workers who person been unemployed for longer than six months. And an other $300 a week successful national unemployment benefits expired nationwide Sept. 6.

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