Opinion: The silence brigade doesn’t like Boebert questioning vaccines
The big problem here, the "elephant in the room," is not Boebert's espousal of freedom of choice regarding COVID-19 experimental vaccinations. It is the president openly advocating social media censorship -- by Facebook in particular -- of dissenting viewpoints...

As a Colorado native, husband, dad, grandad and concern owner, the practice of our authorities matters to me.
My archetypal occupation was delivering The Denver Post successful the precocious 60’s, truthful I inactive person a lukewarm spot for the insubstantial successful spite of what I presumption arsenic its present decidedly less-than-neutral perspective.
Editorial leafage exertion Megan Schrader has appeared with maine arsenic a impermanent connected 710 KNUS AM vigor aggregate times. Our governmental and argumentation opinions and perspectives diverge widely. But we hold connected 1 happening equivocally: We tin disagree without being disagreeable. Doing truthful successful nationalist is important if we are to support a civilian society.
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert is simply a person from anterior to her predetermination and I basal up for my friends. I person defended Schrader erstwhile listeners edifice to attacks connected her alternatively than statement the differing views. And, though Congresswoman Boebert is much than susceptible of defending herself, I americium compelled to talk up for her, too.
It is nary astonishment that Schrader is disappointed successful Boebert, the archetypal pistillate elected to Congress from Colorado’s 3rd District, oregon that Schrader provides a solution: Boebert needs to beryllium challenged successful the June 2022 Republican superior — inactive eleven months distant — by a Republican beneficiary of Schrader’s applause.
The world is fewer Republican voters successful CD3 volition look to The Denver Post for guidance successful appraising the prime of Boebert’s representation. In fact, immoderate Denver Post endorsement of a superior challenger to Boebert would beryllium a buss of decease to said challenger. Why? Because CD3 Republican voters cognize that the lone conceivable purposes successful challenging the highly popular, hard-working Boebert successful the June superior would beryllium to siphon distant run resources and effort to divert votes successful November to Boebert’s Democrat opponent. It is simply a tube imagination that CD3 volition ballot for Pelosi/Biden acolytes adjacent year. Not gonna’ happen.
The crisp partisan borderline successful Schrader’s criticisms of Congresswoman Boebert is nary surprise, but Republicans are entitled to ask: When was the past clip The Post criticized immoderate incumbent Democrat Member of Congress and brazenly encouraged circumstantial Democrat officials to reason that elected subordinate successful the adjacent superior election? Has determination ever been immoderate superior disapproval of Denver’s 13-term incumbent from Denver, Diana DeGette? I searched the Post’s archival records looking for thing comparable to the onslaught connected Boebert. In vain.
Schrader espouses the mainstream media, Democrat, anti-Trump Republican (but I repetition myself) enactment connected the statesmanlike election, January 6, the experimental vaccines, and, of course, is voicing The Post’s disagreements with Boebert. This is her right.
The Post does not similar Boebert’s forceful, repeated and often re-Tweeted criticisms of the Biden administration’s unprecedented heavy-handedness successful approving and advocating coercion, intimidation, and outright censorship against backstage citizens who explicit dissenting views astir the information oregon efficacy of the vaccines, particularly Moderna and Pfizer, which proceed to beryllium nether lone Emergency Use Authorization without afloat support by the FDA.
The large occupation here, the “elephant successful the room,” is not Boebert’s espousal of state of prime regarding COVID-19 experimental vaccinations. It is the president of the United States openly advocating societal media censorship — by Facebook successful peculiar — of dissenting viewpoints by mislabeling dissent arsenic “misinformation.” The Biden White House present aspires to beryllium the nation’s Ministry of Truth. But, somehow, Representative Boebert is the menace to nationalist wellness and safety?
As of July 16th, astir 55% of each Coloradans had been afloat vaccinated, 10% supra the nationalist mean and, of course, the fig continues to rise. California’s statewide vaccination complaint past was lone 51.7%, Utah 43.8% and Texas 42.8%. Though I’ve ne'er understood wherefore fully-vaccinated radical fearfulness the unvaxxed, in Colorado 96.1% of the astir at-risk colonisation (age 65 and over) are vaccinated with astatine slightest 1 vaccine. Why can’t the remainder of america freely sermon the pros and the cons of this (or any) issue?
Boebert is defending the close of each national to marque an informed idiosyncratic prime — for themselves and their children — regarding COVID-19 vaccinations. Freedom of prime has often been heralded arsenic a bully happening by the sentiment editors past and contiguous of The Denver Post. But, unfortunately, the prime to vaccinate oregon not isn’t connected Schrader’s database of fashionable freedoms.
I promote each Coloradans to probe side-effects, alternatives, benefits, and risks of immoderate perchance life-changing decisions they marque and ne'er trust solely connected the opinions of immoderate newspaper, authorities employee, elected authoritative oregon vigor host. But we indispensable ever combat for the state to speak. Freely.
Randy B Corporon is a Republican National committeeman, president of the Arapahoe Tea Party and vigor big connected 710KNUS.
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