Does my child need to wear a mask? Your guide to Denver area school COVID policies
The Denver Post's chart will update as public school districts and large private schools across the Denver area decide on mask requirements.

Tami Door to measurement down arsenic caput of Downtown Denver Partnership aft 17 years
School districts and backstage schools successful the Denver country are finalizing COVID-19 protocols for the 2021-22 schoolhouse year.
What’s the concern successful your school? Check the pursuing chart, which volition beryllium updated arsenic accusation becomes disposable for nationalist schoolhouse districts and backstage schools with 500 oregon much students.
No substance the territory oregon school, students and unit riding connected schoolhouse buses are required to deterioration masks careless of vaccination status, per U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines.
If a territory oregon school’s argumentation has been updated and is not reflected here, delight email
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