Broomfield ninja Taylor Greene scales competitions, ‘American Ninja Warrior Junior’
Becca Greene remembers every time she took her daughter Taylor to the playground when she was younger. Taylor would immediately climb to the highest point possible. Other kids would follow Taylor up, but then get stuck, Becca said. Taylor,...

Becca Greene remembers each clip she took her girl Taylor to the playground erstwhile she was younger. Taylor would instantly ascent to the highest constituent possible.
Other kids would travel Taylor up, but past get stuck, Becca said.
Taylor, who turns 14 Wednesday, precocious competed successful the Ultimate Ninja Athlete Association satellite championships and implicit the summertime filmed for the 3rd clip a tally connected “American Ninja Warrior Junior.” She’s successful her 4th twelvemonth competing successful ninja aft getting hooked connected the enactment astatine a day enactment she went to erstwhile she was 9.
“When I look backmost astatine babe pictures now, if we would person known what ninja was, we would person known she was a ninja,” Becca said Wednesday arsenic she watched Taylor outpouring astir the Ninja Nation grooming installation successful Lafayette.
Videos of Taylor swinging, jumping and climbing done ninja courses person gone viral, and she’s defeated ninjas respective years older than her successful competitions.
The Broomfield High School freshman grew up doing gymnastics, but aft the ninja day enactment asked her ma to motion her up for classes.
“It was conscionable a truly chill acquisition for maine due to the fact that it’s thing I’d ever done before,” Taylor said. “I thought it was the astir amusive happening successful the world, and a twelvemonth aboriginal I started competing and training.”
When asked erstwhile she realized her imaginable arsenic a ninja, Taylor said, “it’s benignant of weird successful your archetypal competition, you podium. That’s not precise mean successful astir sports. That was benignant of my realization, I guess.”
Becca said idiosyncratic initially reached retired to them astir Taylor competing connected the “American Ninja Warrior Junior” TV amusement pursuing a video of 9-year-old ninja Taylor beating a 16-year-old lad connected a course. The amusement is breached into divisions based connected age: 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14, and Taylor has competed successful each 3 divisions. When Taylor turns 15 she’s going to effort to vie connected “American Ninja Warrior,” which precocious lowered the minimum property to vie to 15.
In a mean competition, Taylor explained the ninjas are competing against themselves.
“And successful the (TV) show, you’re competing really adjacent to different person,” she said. “You’re competing side-by-side with the different idiosyncratic racing them. It’s a full antithetic mindset you person to spell through. The full TV acquisition is conscionable truthful overmuch different.”
But aft filming for her 3rd clip connected the show, Taylor said she’s gotten utilized to it. She filmed for the TV bid this summer, which is scheduled to aerial Thursday connected Peacock TV.
“I conscionable privation to support with it due to the fact that I emotion it truthful overmuch close now,” Taylor said of ninja. “I don’t truly person immoderate different sports that I’m doing. It’s benignant of my full life; I don’t privation to springiness that up immoderate clip soon.”
Becca said her favourite portion is seeing Taylor’s persistence and determination.
“I’m conscionable arrogant that she had the guts to take to vie astatine the pro level,” Becca said. “She started competing pro erstwhile she was 11 successful the section competitions and did really, truly good with that. … This twelvemonth she (competed) each pro and decided to vie pro successful finals and ended up winning. That was beauteous darn chill arsenic a 13-year-old to triumph successful the pro division. It was exciting; she was up against immoderate beauteous large names.”
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